Sunday 12 August 2007

new layout!

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my old layout for multiply

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Monday 28 May 2007

dalandan talks to me :D

Francoise Esquivel: dani?
Danica Dalmacion: yes
Francoise Esquivel: uh
Francoise Esquivel: alam mo ba kung sino may hawak nung 2-Ora fster?
Danica Dalmacion:
Danica Dalmacion: hindi e
Danica Dalmacion: most likely si ian olmedo cguro
Francoise Esquivel: T.T
Francoise Esquivel: hala
Francoise Esquivel: wala lang
Danica Dalmacion: bakit?
Francoise Esquivel: add sana nyo akoooo~
Danica Dalmacion: add mo nalang 2-ora
Francoise Esquivel: in-add ko na matagal na
Francoise Esquivel: nagresend na nga ako
Francoise Esquivel: wala pa din
Danica Dalmacion: tsk baka kasi di na un ginagamit
Francoise Esquivel: mukha nga
Francoise Esquivel: eh wala lang
Francoise Esquivel: since taga-2-ora naman ako...I wish I get added
Francoise Esquivel: nabura ko na yung old fster ko eh
Danica Dalmacion: aahh
Danica Dalmacion: well if you see ian olmedo online edi ask her
Danica Dalmacion: ne
Francoise Esquivel: eeeyup
Francoise Esquivel: oo nga ano
Francoise Esquivel: tama tama
Francoise Esquivel:
Francoise Esquivel: galing ni dalandan!
Danica Dalmacion:
Danica Dalmacion: kamusta ka naman nizzie?
Francoise Esquivel: oks lang
Francoise Esquivel: eto booooored na
Francoise Esquivel: dahil gusto ko nang pumasok
Francoise Esquivel: eh ikaw?
Francoise Esquivel: musta
Danica Dalmacion: ayoko pa pumasok noh
Danica Dalmacion: ako bored din
Danica Dalmacion: san ka nagschool?
Francoise Esquivel: lyceum
Francoise Esquivel: hahahaha
Danica Dalmacion: ayoko pa pumasok noh
Danica Dalmacion: kainis
Francoise Esquivel: ngoks
Francoise Esquivel: ako gusto ko na
Francoise Esquivel: kaso irreg naman ako
Danica Dalmacion: bakit ka irreg?
Francoise Esquivel: uh kasalanan ko
Francoise Esquivel: hahah
Francoise Esquivel: di ako nagtake ng PE
Danica Dalmacion: haha tamad!
Danica Dalmacion: pe ko nga aikido e
Danica Dalmacion: how to handle that!?
Francoise Esquivel: eh buti nga ganyan sa inyo eh
Francoise Esquivel: eh samin?
Francoise Esquivel: boring PE
Francoise Esquivel: calisthenics at ballroom
Danica Dalmacion: yuck
Danica Dalmacion: yun lang?
Danica Dalmacion:
Danica Dalmacion: ang sama e
Francoise Esquivel: eeeew
Francoise Esquivel: PE
Francoise Esquivel: sux
Francoise Esquivel: grabe
Francoise Esquivel: ayoko talagha
Francoise Esquivel: *talaga
Danica Dalmacion: haha pwede mo ba iskip nalang un as in forever!?
Danica Dalmacion: ang gago sabihin mo may heart problem ka
Francoise Esquivel: sana nga eh
Francoise Esquivel: di naman sya katulad ng NSTP'/ROTC na pre-requisite sa grad
Francoise Esquivel: yawwwk
Danica Dalmacion: OO NGA!
Danica Dalmacion: lintek na nstp yan noh
Francoise Esquivel: i larb NSTP
Francoise Esquivel: hahaha
Danica Dalmacion: ano nstp mo?
Francoise Esquivel: yung businesses
Francoise Esquivel: hahaha
Francoise Esquivel: pangkabuhayan shit
Francoise Esquivel: yun
Francoise Esquivel: hahaha
Danica Dalmacion: sounds good
Francoise Esquivel: tsaka perdev
Francoise Esquivel: si drew nga yung ROTC nya nonstop hehe
Danica Dalmacion: nag-rotc siya?
Francoise Esquivel: oo
Francoise Esquivel: tibay noh?
Francoise Esquivel:
Danica Dalmacion: oo
Danica Dalmacion: damn
Francoise Esquivel: haha
Francoise Esquivel: parati ko syang sinamahan sa mga ROTC blah blah nila every sunday
Francoise Esquivel: hahahaha
Danica Dalmacion: diba un ung military ek ek?
Francoise Esquivel: oo
Danica Dalmacion: naks natutuwa namana ko sa inyo ni bola
Francoise Esquivel: namna
Francoise Esquivel: *naman
Francoise Esquivel:
Francoise Esquivel:
Danica Dalmacion:
Danica Dalmacion: naalala ko one time nakita kita sa rob
Danica Dalmacion: hahaha
Danica Dalmacion: wala lang
Francoise Esquivel: NGEKS
Francoise Esquivel: oo nga
Francoise Esquivel: hahahaha
Francoise Esquivel: may DA ka?
Danica Dalmacion: wala na
Francoise Esquivel: AY NGEK
Francoise Esquivel: baket?
Danica Dalmacion: di ko na nagagalaw e
Francoise Esquivel: ay ganun
Francoise Esquivel: ay teka
Francoise Esquivel: smart ka or globe?
Danica Dalmacion: globe
Francoise Esquivel: yey!x
Francoise Esquivel: penge numbeh
Francoise Esquivel: numbah
Francoise Esquivel: hahaha
Francoise Esquivel: please
Danica Dalmacion: 09166799481
Danica Dalmacion: text mo nalang ako
Francoise Esquivel: okeh
Francoise Esquivel: kasi mamaya magpapalit akow ng number
Francoise Esquivel:
Danica Dalmacion: bakit nawalan ka ng smim?
Francoise Esquivel: noop
Francoise Esquivel: sabi ng dad ko magpalit daw ako
Danica Dalmacion: ah kasi globe sya noh?
Danica Dalmacion: teka will get ur number na rin
Danica Dalmacion: ano?
Francoise Esquivel: wait mamaya na
Francoise Esquivel: hahha
Francoise Esquivel: pagbago na number kooo
Francoise Esquivel: kasi globe din naman eh
Danica Dalmacion: ay oo nga noh
Danica Dalmacion: engot
Danica Dalmacion:
Francoise Esquivel: hahahha
Francoise Esquivel:
Francoise Esquivel: maka-globe ako
Francoise Esquivel: kahit nagkakaproblema sila sa sistema
Danica Dalmacion: haha ako kahit ano
Francoise Esquivel: simula nung nagtaas sila ng rates
Danica Dalmacion: i switched to globe coz of my blockmates lang e
Francoise Esquivel: woooshooo
Francoise Esquivel: peer pressure ba ito?
Francoise Esquivel:
Danica Dalmacion: loka
Danica Dalmacion: haha
Danica Dalmacion: important din for announcements e
Danica Dalmacion:
Francoise Esquivel: ako din medyo peer pressure hehe
Francoise Esquivel:
Danica Dalmacion: tska sakalin ba naman ako para magpalit
Francoise Esquivel: oh ay sinakal ka daw ba...
Danica Dalmacion: hahaha tae
Francoise Esquivel: ako nga din peer pressureness
Francoise Esquivel: hahah
Francoise Esquivel: kasi si droo
Francoise Esquivel: gusto akong lumipat sa UST
Danica Dalmacion: lipat na!!!
Danica Dalmacion:
Francoise Esquivel: woooshoo
Francoise Esquivel: sana
Francoise Esquivel: eh ayoko umulit
Danica Dalmacion: bakit if you transfer ba, u have to repeat?
Francoise Esquivel: parang ganun na nga
Danica Dalmacion: ang arte ng ust ah!
Danica Dalmacion: teka san ba lyceum malapit?
Francoise Esquivel: katabi ng mapua
Danica Dalmacion has signed out. (5/28/2007 3:02 PM)

Danica Dalmacion: sa makati?
Francoise Esquivel: noop
Francoise Esquivel: intramuros
Danica Dalmacion: AHHHHHHH
Danica Dalmacion:
Francoise Esquivel: hahah
Francoise Esquivel: ngayon alam mo na
Francoise Esquivel:
Danica Dalmacion: sorry not very good with locations
Francoise Esquivel: woooshoo
Francoise Esquivel:
Danica Dalmacion: >_<
Danica Dalmacion: haha nako nizzie nakakamiss ka ha!
Francoise Esquivel: ay baket? engot nga ako eh
Francoise Esquivel:
Francoise Esquivel: lullz
Francoise Esquivel: <---walang sawang nangungulit sa mga tao
Danica Dalmacion: syempre tagal na rin kita di nakikita
Francoise Esquivel: oo nga eh
Francoise Esquivel:
Francoise Esquivel: waaaah
Francoise Esquivel: T.T
Francoise Esquivel: hmmm
Francoise Esquivel: nakakapikon eh
Danica Dalmacion: bakit?
Francoise Esquivel: umalis ako agad ng ssc
Francoise Esquivel: :c
Francoise Esquivel: lullx
Francoise Esquivel: namimiss ko din si zia
Francoise Esquivel: boooohoooo
Danica Dalmacion: oo nga!
Danica Dalmacion: wala na akong contact dun
Danica Dalmacion: kilala pa kaya ako nun
Francoise Esquivel: meron ako
Francoise Esquivel: kaso di naman sya nagrereply eh
Francoise Esquivel: globe din
Danica Dalmacion: ngek
Danica Dalmacion: so parang wala lang din
Francoise Esquivel: nasa diliman na sya
Danica Dalmacion: UPD?
Francoise Esquivel: di nag-aaral
Francoise Esquivel: nakatira sya dun
Francoise Esquivel: live-in kumbaga
Francoise Esquivel: ang alam ko mag-aaral na sya this year
Francoise Esquivel: eh di naman sya nakatapos ng HS.
Danica Dalmacion: live-in? naks boyfriend!
Danica Dalmacion: baka magrerestart siya ng HS
Francoise Esquivel: di
Francoise Esquivel: restart? ano sya computer?
Francoise Esquivel: tibo ang kalive-in nya
Danica Dalmacion: tibo? wow
Danica Dalmacion: haha sorry ha!
Francoise Esquivel: oks lang ehhehe
Francoise Esquivel: natawa ako
Francoise Esquivel:
Francoise Esquivel: tibo nga
Francoise Esquivel: dapat nga aatend kami ni drew ng debut nun eh
Francoise Esquivel: sabi ni chona 18 pa lang talaga sya last year
Francoise Esquivel: so parang ka-age lang namen si zia
Francoise Esquivel: eh di ba ang alam natin eh mas matanda si zia sa'tin?
Francoise Esquivel:
Francoise Esquivel: ayun
Danica Dalmacion: oo nga
Francoise Esquivel: ayun
Francoise Esquivel: nagulat nga kami ni drew
Danica Dalmacion: kasi mukha talaga siya mas matanda diba
Danica Dalmacion: she acts mature kung baga
Francoise Esquivel: oo
Francoise Esquivel: at lola namin yun hahaha
Francoise Esquivel:
Francoise Esquivel: ay natin pala
Francoise Esquivel:
Danica Dalmacion: 2ora
Danica Dalmacion:
Francoise Esquivel: nung 3rd year (wala na ako nun sa ssc) ako ang pumalit kay zia sa project nina drew at toledo at dianne sa literature
Francoise Esquivel: hahaha
Danica Dalmacion: ano ginawa mo?
Francoise Esquivel: ako yung goddess sa presentation nila
Francoise Esquivel: nagshooting kami nun sa greenbelt
Danica Dalmacion: syempre di ko nakita un sayang
Francoise Esquivel: haha
Francoise Esquivel: wag na
Francoise Esquivel: mukha akong ewan dun
Francoise Esquivel: jajaja
Danica Dalmacion: hahaha
Francoise Esquivel: ayun
Francoise Esquivel: lullz
Francoise Esquivel:
Francoise Esquivel: hahah nababaliw akooooo~
Danica Dalmacion: oo nakakabaliw ka!!!
Danica Dalmacion:
Danica Dalmacion: pero ok lang
Danica Dalmacion: better insane than sane
Danica Dalmacion:
Francoise Esquivel: oo nga naman
Francoise Esquivel: kita mo yung stat msg at pic ko?
Francoise Esquivel: ahahhahahahah
Danica Dalmacion: si silas
Danica Dalmacion: gwapo nga un hahaha
Francoise Esquivel: ay sorrri
Francoise Esquivel: napindot ko
Francoise Esquivel:
Francoise Esquivel: oo si silas graae utke jorgensen
Francoise Esquivel:
Danica Dalmacion: UWA~~~~
Danica Dalmacion: ang papabol kaya nun
Danica Dalmacion:
Francoise Esquivel: oo talaga!
Francoise Esquivel: waaaaah
Francoise Esquivel: dami ko pics nya
Francoise Esquivel:
Francoise Esquivel: pati kay Jonas Bjerre
Francoise Esquivel: hahahha
Francoise Esquivel:
Danica Dalmacion: ikaw ha!
Danica Dalmacion: pero loyal pa rin ako kay orlando bloom
Francoise Esquivel: oo na oo na
Francoise Esquivel: single yun
Francoise Esquivel: kunin mo na
Francoise Esquivel:
Danica Dalmacion: nakuha ko na!!!
Francoise Esquivel: oo na oo na
Francoise Esquivel: nasan>
Francoise Esquivel: nasan?
Francoise Esquivel:
Francoise Esquivel: ay ganun? hahaha
Francoise Esquivel: ikaw ha s&m si dalandan! waaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
Danica Dalmacion: hahahaha hindi noh!!! S LANG AKO!
Danica Dalmacion: joke joke
Danica Dalmacion: i'm innocent
Francoise Esquivel: wooooshooo
Francoise Esquivel: talaga lang hahahah
Francoise Esquivel: ;p
Francoise Esquivel: lullz
Francoise Esquivel: hahaha
Francoise Esquivel:
Francoise Esquivel: may nakita akong topless na pic ni silas
Francoise Esquivel: jajajjaa
Danica Dalmacion: easy ka lang
Danica Dalmacion: makamagdugo ka na
Francoise Esquivel: ay di oks lang
Francoise Esquivel: hahhahaha
Francoise Esquivel: i'm in my right mind pa din hahaha
Francoise Esquivel: matagal ko nang crush yun eh
Francoise Esquivel:
Francoise Esquivel: HAHAHAHA
Francoise Esquivel: Silas Graae!]
Francoise Esquivel: tas crush ko din si Louie Poco ng The Bloomfields
Francoise Esquivel: hahahaha
Danica Dalmacion: ang dami mo naman crush
Danica Dalmacion: haha pero ok lang yan
Danica Dalmacion: ako rin e
Francoise Esquivel:
Francoise Esquivel:
Francoise Esquivel: awwwww
Francoise Esquivel: T.T
Danica Dalmacion: oh bakit bilang sad
Danica Dalmacion: jahaha
Francoise Esquivel: wala lang jajajaja

Tuesday 8 May 2007

Danish. Cookies.

Dee Panda: juy danish
Francoise Esquivel: hullo droo
Dee Panda: danish-jordanian
Dee Panda: lolz
Dee Panda: wow what a pretty nordic boy
Dee Panda: haha
Francoise Esquivel: hahahaha
Francoise Esquivel: mange tak dude
Francoise Esquivel:
Francoise Esquivel: ay droo
Dee Panda:
Dee Panda: O..O
Francoise Esquivel: remember yung kinuwento ko sayo about yung King of Jordan na nagdadrive ng taxi?
Dee Panda:
Dee Panda: yes?
Francoise Esquivel: teka may maipapakita ako in connection to it
Francoise Esquivel: sa King ha
Dee Panda: ukie
Dee Panda: haha
Dee Panda: hoy gotta go
Dee Panda: magboboys lang hehe
Francoise Esquivel: DAYA
Francoise Esquivel: hahaha
Dee Panda: GIRL YUN
Dee Panda: GO
Francoise Esquivel:
Francoise Esquivel: nasa STAR TEK pala yung king eh
Francoise Esquivel: naging extra
Dee Panda: AHAHA
Dee Panda: O..O
Francoise Esquivel: *TREK
Dee Panda: weird man
Francoise Esquivel: ahaha
Francoise Esquivel: oh di ba
Francoise Esquivel: extra lang sya dun
Francoise Esquivel: no lines
Francoise Esquivel: utusan nung captain

yis! we were talking about DANISH. As in the DANISH language. :P hahaha! I am very much feeling good about it really. :) (oh yeah, we were also talking about the King of Jordan doing all sorts of "odd" jobs---jobs that are not fit for a king--- like being a taxi driver in disguise (which my professor-slash-uncle quickly discovered months ago) and being an extra on Star Trek: Voyager back in 1995. (Hmmm...we need to find the TAPE...kawawa naman lullz)

hahahaha! just being odd for now. Mange tak for wasting time reading this. :P Hej.

Saturday 28 April 2007

I am smitten by this guy. This one hell of a Dane. :p Oh Silas! I larb joo with all my heart! :hugs:

And this is Jonas. He looks scared, doesn't he? :P Poor Jonas dear.


Thursday 19 April 2007

Here (In Your Arms) by Hellogoodbye

Hellogoodbye Here (In Your Arms) Lyrics
I like where we are,
When we drive, in your car
I like where we are.... Here

Cause our lips, can touch
And our cheeks, can brush
Our lips can touch... here

Where you are the one, the one that lies close to me
Whispers "Hello, I miss you quite terribly"
I fell in love, in love with you suddenly
Now there's no place else I could be, but here in your arms

I like where you sleep,
When you sleep, next to me.
I like where you sleep... here

Our lips, can touch
And our cheeks, can brush
cause our lips can touch... here

[ Lyrics found on ]

Where you are the one, the one that lies close to me
Whispers "Hello, I miss you quite terribly"
I fell in love, in love with you suddenly
Now there's no place else I could be, but here in your arms

Our lips, can touch
Our lips, can

Where you are the one the one that lies close to me
Whispers "Hello, I miss you quite terribly"
I fell in love, in love with you suddenly
Now there's no place else I could be but here in your,

You are the one the one that lies close to me
Whispers "hello I miss you, I miss you"
I fell in love, in love with you suddenly
Now there's no place else I could be but here in your arms

Here in your arms.
Here in your arms.

Thursday 12 April 2007

I effin got my grades, yes.

Holy smokes. I just got my grades! :D I'm pleased to say that I have no failing grades whatsoever. The lowest I got was 3.00--- in Business Math! *whew*

I'm very much at home with having good grades than being so overly-conscious with it. I feel bad over those people who get so paranoid when a 3 or a 2.75 comes out. It's so annoying. And I don't give a darn if there are honor students around me...they're still humans like us but they look down to certain people. They treat these certain people like insects.

Anyhoo, back to the topic. The highest I got was Filipino and NSTP. NSTP?!? Holy---! C'mon, if it weren't because of the darned ringbind project then I wouldn't have it. (thanks Prof. Panti...:D) HAHAHAHA. As for Filipino, I guess it was sheer luck. I don't do good in that subject, really. Filipino bores me a lot, most especially when your Prof did nothing but ask for monetary contributions and when exams week comes, she'd tell you to make a darned reviewer! :(

Now that I have my grades report with me, I'm off to school to enroll for summer classes. Much better to keep me effin sane.